Red And Gray Living Room Ideas


Red And Gray Living Room Ideas – The combination of neutral calm grays with hot vibrant reds is a classic option for living room interior design. Today we want to take a close look at these gorgeous rooms, and hopefully inspire you to try a red and gray living room look at your own home!

Each color interacts with light based on its particular wavelength. Some colors influence a person’s mood differently while others seem to have an almost universal impact on their psychology. This explains why contemporary interior decorators like taking advantage of colors.

Red And Gray Living Room Ideas

There was a time when neutral colors primarily dominated the show with ornate accessories taking centerpiece, which is no longer the case. Modern interiors take advantage of different shades of each color, something that you will see in the collection below. Red is a powerful color that comes in various shades, and so is gray.


Red And Gray Living Room Ideas

Each shade can be combined with variations of all colors in the spectrum for different results. It is fun to try to see how red and gray end up looking when put next to each other. So if you’re looking for an example or two, but don’t know where to start, our list of 5 red and gray living rooms is the perfect place to look for inspiration.

Floral Themed Upholstery

Floral Themed Upholstery

In this theme, the dominating color palette is undoubtedly the dark red wall which is complemented by a neutral colored mural which takes advantage of shades of black and gray to give a unique touch to the room. The floral patterns on the furniture spruce up the room’s personality with red pastels.


Red Accented Walls

Red Accented Walls

The only thing to take away from this room is the elegance of red when combined with different shades of even more red. This popular combination is then contrasted against a spectacular combination of faux floor panels. A gray decorative item hangs from the roof of the room for added details.

That Red Rugs Complete It

That Red Rugs Complete It

This artist chose to decorate the room by combining the eclectic power of all neutral colors, with gray being dominant throughout. The entire visual aesthetic is pulled together by the red rugs that are cleverly placed between the furniture for creative balance.

A Remarkable Touch on Gray Rug

You will fail to notice anything out of the ordinary in this picture other than the most simplistic of items. Nothing in this eclectic room is difficult to emulate without breaking the bank. A tiny splash of red with gray accented walls is all you need to make a statement.


Gray Wallpaper with Red Furniture

Gray Wallpaper with Red Furniture

This is the tried and tested formula that seems to work each time. Red is a trending choice of furniture with gray wallpapers used to bring some extra visual appeal into the room. We were surprised with the use of gray and white throw pillows which add a few more bells and whistles into this living room.
